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Culture & History

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A Primer on Cultural Transformation in Modern China


By:Geng Yunzhi

Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press


Publication Date:2016-01-01


Paper book:US $85.00
Ebook:US $85.00
Paper Book& Ebook:US $127.50
1374 1000

Table of contents:

About the author(s):


China enjoys the distinction of being one of the few countries in the world with a civilizational history going back  4000~5000 years, producing a cultural tradition and a system of values matched by few others in terms of richness and endurance. The book is a study of  culturaltransformation in China in modern times, i.e., of how the culture that prevailed during the late Qing Dynasty befitting an authoritarian monarchygradually gave away and was eventually replaced by one that meets the needs of a democratic political system. The author traces the transformational trajectory, identifies the external conditions necessary for setting off the transformation and the internal mechanisms by which the process unfolds. The book makes a valuable contribution to this important topic.