Ⅰ General Review
1 Overview 2010: Russian, East European & Central Asian Situation
.................................................... Wu Enyuan, Sun Li/001
Ⅱ Regional Review
2 Political Situation in Russia 2010 ................. Pan Deli, Xue Fuqi/025
3 New Adjustments of Russian Diplomacy 2010 .................... Jiang Yi/039
4 Russian Economic Review 2010 ............................... Li Fuchuan/047
5 Change and Unchanged, Similarities and Differences:
A New Perspective to Interpret Political and Economic Situation
in Central Asia 2010 .................................... Zhao Huirong/064
6 Central and Eastern Europe 2010 ......................... Kong Tianping/084
7 Economic, Political and Diplomatic Situation
in New Eastern Europe 2010 ............................... Zhu Honggen/101
Ⅲ Regional Focus
8 Financial Crisis and the Current Sino-US-Russian
Triangular Relations .................................... Zheng Yu/124
9 Integration Accelerated: Russia and CIS in 2010 ....... Liu Fenghua/136
10 Russia and EU: Diverted from the Four Cooperative Spaces
to Modernization Partnership .......................... Gu Zhihong/144
11 New Version of Russia-US Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
......................................................... Han Kedi/151
12 Analysis of Medvedev’s State of the Union Address 2010 . Xue Fuqi/159
13 Russian Nationalism in 2010 ............................. Xue Fuqi/166
14 Can Russia Accomplish the Project of Modernization
Partnership with the West? .............................. Wu Dahui/175
15 Sino-Russian Economic & Trade Cooperation 2010
and New Opportunities ................................. Li Jianmin/187
16 Promoting Chinese Investment in Russia and Propelling
Bilateral Cooperation: Considering the Situation and
Adopting a Practical Approach ........................ Gao Jixiang/196
Central Asia
17 Security Situation in Central Asia 2010:
Review and Forecast ..................................... Su Chang/205
18 The Kyrgyzstan Situation 2010 ........................... Xue Fuqi/213
Central and Eastern Europe
19 2010: Poland-Russia Relations towards Rapprochement
.................................................... Zhu Xiaozhong/220
20 On proceedings of Western Balkans’Accession into EU ...... Gao Ge/229
21 National Populism in Hungary and Slovakia, and the Evolution
of Their Mutual Relations ............................... Jiang Li/242
New Eastern Europe
22 Review of the 2010 Presidential Election in Belarus .. Zhu Honggen/255
23 Political Situation in Ukraine 2010
From Chaos to Stability ............................... Zhang Hong/262
24 New Nature of Domestic Politics and Diplomacy
in Ukraine 2010 ...................................... Sun Chenwen/268
25 Political and Economic Situation in Moldova 2010 ..... Sun Chenwen/282
26 Euro-Zone Enlargement in Distress: Analysis of the Estonian
Accession and Its Prospect ........................... Zhu Honggen/289
27 20-Year Transition in Ukraine: The Establishment of Enterprise
System and the Development of Corporate Governance
.................................... Zhang Congming, Zhang Yangzhi/296
Ⅳ Hot Topics
28 On Putin-Medvedev Disagreements ........................ Zhang Shengfa/315
29 The New-Historian Event in Russian Plus Its Aftermath
and Essence ............................................ Liu Xianzhong/340
Political situation in Russia remained stable in 2010 despite some turbulence. Anti-terrorism mission was still arduous as demonstrated by subway bombings and frequent terrorist incidents in the Caucasus. Economic recovery was the general trend, however, growth slowed down due to weaker revival of major economies and the scarce drought, etc. It is advisable for Russia to orient its diplomatic priority towards the amelioration of Russia-US relations, towards Northeast Asia affairs, and towards the rationalization of its diplomatic relations with CIS and East European countries.
Political situation remained stable in Central Asia in spite of unrest in some local regions. Economic recovery emerged in this region, accompanied by the improvement in most economies except Kyrgyzstan under political instability. Economic and social development remained uneven, with wealth disparity continually widened in this region. Prospect of regional development is increasingly indistinct as potential threats to the security and stability of this region have not yet been eradicated. Intraregional issues were becoming prominent and diplomatic relations further complicated. In geopolitical term, these countries were still in a difficult situation of how to maintain balance among major powers.
Dividing process continued in Central and Eastern Europe. In political term, the formation of governments encountered multiple frustrations, and political impasses occurred owing to the lack of cooperation between political parties, though general situation in this region was stable. In economic term, weak recovery emerged in most economies as they escaped the downturn. Economic performance was remarkable in Poland, Czech and Slovakia. European integration and Euro-Atlantic integration served strategic choices for CEE countries, as geopolitical situation of this region remained without fundamental change.
China and Northeast Asia remained important targets of Russian diplomacy. Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation has been further escalated. Economic ties were historically closer between China and Central Asian countries. The 10th meeting of The Council of Heads of State, held in Tashkent, the Republic of Kazakhstan, has articulated the directions of the cooperation in diverse spheres. China still remained friendly relations and cooperation with Central and East European Countries.