1 Situation of Agriculture and Rural Economy in 2013/001
1. Agriculture, Rural Economy and National Economy/001
2. Production of Major Agricultural Products/004
3. Import and Export of Agricultural Products/008
4. Producer Price for Agricultural Products and Consumer Price for Food/012
5. Income of Rural Households/015
2 Prospects and Forecasts for Agriculture and Rural Economy in 2014/019
1. External Environment Facing Agriculture and Rural Economy/019
2. Prospects and Forecasts for Agriculture and Rural Economy in 2014/022
3. Major Countermeasures for Preventing Impact of International
Market of Agricultural Product/028
3 Agriculture, Rural Economy and National Economy/031
1. Rural Industries’ Contribution to Gross Domestic Production/032
2. Rural Investment and Consumption, and Their Contribution to
the Growth of Gross Domestic Production/038
3. Livelihood Gap between Urban and Rural Residents/044
4. Agricultural and Rural Development, and Transformation of China’s
Social and Economic Structure/047
4 Agricultural Inputs and Outputs/051
1. Situation and Characteristics of Agricultural Inputs/051
2. Situation and Characteristics of Agricultural Outputs/055
5 Agricultural Production by Region/064
1. Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and
Fishery by Region, and the Change of Structure/064
2. Outputs of Farming by Region, and the Change of Structure/067
3. Outputs of Animal Husbandry by Region, and the Change of Structure/069
6 Supply-Demand Situation and Prices of Agricultural Products Market/075
1. Summary/075
2. Supply-Demand Situation of Agricultural Products Market/078
3. Main Policy Change in Agricultural Products Market/085
4. Prospects of Agricultural Products Market/088
5. Highlight of Agricultural Products Market/091
7 International Trade of Agricultural Products/093
1. General Situation and Characteristics of Import and Export of
Agricultural Products/093
2. Main Factors Affecting the International Trade of Agricultural
3. Change in International Trade of Major Agricultural Products/102
4. Policy Review and Prospects/105
8 Income and Livelihood of Rural Households/108
1. Income of Rural Households/108
2. Consumption of Rural Households/112
9 Rural Financial Reform, Development and Prospects/117
1. Situation of Rural Financial Reform and Development in 2013/117
2. Main Problems Facing Rural Financial Reform and Development/127
3. Prospects for Rural Financial Reform and Development in 2014/136
10 Situation of Economy of State Farm and Forecasts/142
1. Economic and Social Development of State Farm in 2013/142
2. Main Factors Affecting Economic Development of State Farm/150
3. Prospects for Economic Development of State Farm in 2014/155
11 Rural Eco-Environment and Sustainable Development/157
1. Situation of Rural Eco-Environment/158
2. Progress in Protection and Management of Rural Eco-Environment/163
3. Prospects for Rural Eco-Environment and Sustainable Development/173
12 The Policy Development on the Adjustment of Worker-peasant Relationship/176
1. A Brief Review on the Policy and Relationship of Worker-peasant
before 2004/176
2. Two Trends on Relationship of Worker-peasant that are Proposed
in 2004/178
3. The Development of Urbanization’s Impact on Worker-Peasant
4. The New Initiatives and Development of Mordern Agriculture under
the Development of Urban and Rural/184
13 Progress in Urban-rural Integration of Factor Market/190
1. Progress in Urban-rural Integration in Labor Market/190
2. Progress in Urban-rural Integration in Capital Market/201
3. Progress in Urban-rural Integration in Land Market/212
14 Present Situation of Equalization of Urban-rural Public Service/218
1. Present Situation of Equalization of Urban-rural Compulsory Education/218
2. Present Situation of Equalization of Urban-rural Medical and
Health Service/223
3. Present Situation of Equalization of Urban-rural Social Security/225
4. Conclusions and Countermeasures/231
15 Modern Agricultural Development and Urbanization/235
1. Meaning of Modern Agriculture/235
2. Status of Modern Agricultural Development in China/236
3. Modern Agriculture and Development of Urbanization/242
4. Conclusions and Policy Implication/247
16 Practice and Enlightenment of Urban-rural Integration
in Zhejiang Province/249
1. Main Achievements of Urban-rural Integration in Zhejiang Province
in New Era/249
2. Main Constraints of Speeding up Urban-rural Integration
in the New Situation/258
3. Different Measures for Speeding up Urban-rural Integration
in the New Situation/263
4. Practice and Enlightenment of Advancing Urban-rural Integration
in Zhejiang Province/272
17 Review on the Patterns of Urban-rural Integration Abroad and Lessons/277
1. Phase of Evolution of Urban-rural Relation/277
2. Review on the Patterns of Urban-rural Integration Abroad/280
3. Lessons of the Patterns of Urban-rural Integration Abroad/291
This book comprises two parts. The first part gives a systematic analysis and evaluation of China’s agriculture and rural economic development in 2013, and offers trend forecast for 2014. These are followed by policy recommendations. In the second part, the authors present an in-depth analysis of a number of theoretical and practical problems.