Ⅰ General Report
1 Japanese Economy and Sino-Japanese Economic & Trade Relations
in 2013-2014:Status quo, Problems and Prospects【Zhang Jifeng】/001
1. Review of Japanese Economy in 2013/003
2. Prospects on Japanese Economy in 2014/010
3. Review and Prospects on Sino-Japanese Economic Relations/016
Ⅱ Abenomics:the Interpretation and Analysis of the Three Arrows
2 Status quo and Prospects for Abenomics【Masaaki Kaizuka】/026
3 The First Arrow of Abenomics: Process, Effects and Issue【Liu Rui】/041
4 The First Arrow of Abencmics:the Prospect of Getting Out of Deflation
【Tomoyuki Fukumoto】/054
5 The Second Arrow of Abenomics:Policy Connotation and Risk
【Zhang Shuying】/065
6 Review of the Third Arrow of Abenomics and the Strategy of JAPAN Is BACK
【Cui Jian】/079
Ⅲ Abenomics:Effects and Impacts
7 A Comparative Study between Abenomics and Takahashi Fiscal Policy
【Tian Zhongjing】/094
8 Analysis on the Status quo and the Challenge of Abenomics
【Sun Li, Zhao Xingsai】/104
9 Abenomics and Long-term Economic Growth of Japan
【Gao Wenbo, Zheng Youguo】/116
10 Review of the Defects of Shinzo Abe’s Strategic Economic Diplomacy
【Du Ying】/126
Ⅳ Comparison and Lessons
11 Economic Transition and Real Estate Bubble: Evolving Orbit and Enlightenment
of Japanese Real Estate Prices Fluctuating【Liu Xuan】/137
12 Deep Structure of Japanese Economy:from Perspective of Innovation Pattern
and Labor Market【Luo Huanzhen】/151
13 The Evolution of Japan’s Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy and
an Empirical Study on Its Effects【Jin Renshu】/165
14 Financing Support, Credit Guarantee, and Information Services for the Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises from Japan’s Finance Institutes
【Jing Zhizhong】/180
15 Important Relations in the China-Japan-S.Korea Cooperation:
Situation Assessment and Countermeasures Proposal
【Jiang Ruiping,Liu Jingye and Wang Haifeng】/192
16 TPP:Game between China-U.S.-Japan and China’s Response
【Gu Guoda,Ren Yizhuo】/211
17 Effects of TPP on the Japanese Agriculture【Jiao Bifang】/226
18 The Development, Impacts and Countermeasures of China-Japan-S.Korea FTA
Negotiations【Liu Changli】/238
19 China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Japanese Companies and Financial
Institutions【Eiichi Sekine】/253
Ⅵ Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Cooperation in the Context of
“Cold Politics and Cold Economy”
20 Reviews of the Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Relations in 2013 and
Prospects for 2014【Lyu Kejian】/268
21 Some Thoughts on Enhancing the Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Cooperation
【Osamu Tanaka】/276
22 Status quo and Prospects for Sino-Japanese Trade and Investment Relations
【Dai Hakozaki】/290
23 The Circumstances and Trends of Japan’s Direct Investment in China
after the Diaoyu Islands Dispute【Xu Mei】/304
24 Study on the Influence Factors of China’s Outward Direct Investment
in Japan【Peng Bo】/317
Ⅶ Appendix
25 Changes in Data on Japan’s Economy and Sino-Japanese Economic and
Trade Relations/331
Compiling by national association of Japan’s economy and Japanese Studies Institute at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, this book makes an in-depth analysis on the development of Japan’s economy and Sino-Japanese economic cooperation from multi perspectives and panoramic views. It particularly focuses on the effect and prospect of Abenomics, Japan’s real estate, labor market, Japan’s participation in TPP, the negotiations of China-Japan-Korea free trade area, the latest development of Sino-Japan economic cooperation under the situation of “cold politics and cold economy”. Furthermore, a lot of figures from Japan’s government and authority are included in this book which provides significant reference value.