Ⅰ General Reports
1 History of land Consolidation and Rehabilitation in China/001
2 Practice and Exploration of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation in China/080
3 Future Prospect of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation in China/147
Ⅱ Comprehensive Achievements
4 Facilitating Agricultural Modernization through Promoting Land Consolidation
and Rehabilitation【Wu Haiyang】/178
5 Study on Effects of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation on Rural
Production Pattern and Lifestyle【Yan Jinming】/185
6 Irrigation and Water Conservancy Construction in Rural Land Consolidation
and Rehabilitation【Yang Xiaoyan, Xue Jian】/204
7 Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation and Rural Poverty Alleviation
through Development【Ren Jia, Xue Jian and Jia Wentao】/210
8 Development and Utilization of Construction Land with Low Efficiency
【Yang Hong】/218
Ⅲ Theoretical Investigation
9 Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Theoretical and Institutional
Innovation【Wu Cifang】/238
10 Land Tenure Readjustment and Rights and Interests Guarantee
【Ye Yanmei】/252
11 Study on Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Performance Appraisal
System【Zhang Yan, Wu Cifang】/265
12 Overseas Land Consolidation Legal System Construction Experience Reference
【Zhou Tong, Ren Jia, Sun Chunlei and Jia Wentao】/278
Ⅳ Scientific and Technological Innovation
13 Scientific and Technological Development Strategy for Land Consolidation
and Rehabilitation【Wang Jun, GuoYiqiang】/288
14 Study on Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Monitoring and Supervision
Technology System【Jia Wentao, Liu Haobo and Chen Zheng】/298
15 Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Planning Theoretical, Methodological,
and Practical Innovation【Tang Huaizhi】/307
Ⅴ Green Development
16 Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation and New Urbanization【Yan Jinming】/319
17 Rural Cultural Inheritance and Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation
【Liu Xinwei】/328
18 Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation and Ecological Civilization
【Jiang Guanghui】/335
Ⅵ Appendix
19 Contemporary Chronicle of Significant Events on Land Consolidation and
Rehabilitation Development/346
It is the first blue book of land consolidation and rehabilitation in China. Organized by Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center, Ministry of Land and Resources (LCRC, MLR), this book is accomplished by LCRC, MLR, and experts, scholars and researchers in the related fields jointly. It comprehensively summarizes and evaluates the overall development of China’s land consolidation and rehabilitation cause in the 15 years from the various aspects. It makes an objective analysis, study and judgment on the opportunities and challenges with which current land consolidation and rehabilitation work is faced. Forecast and outlook are made for the development trend and strategic layout for land consolidation and rehabilitation for a period of time in the future. This book deeply analyzes hot issues and tough questions which are intimately attached with current situation and highly focused by the industry. The section of Comprehensive Achievements, Theoretical Investigation, Scientific and Technological Innovation and Green Development are respectively expounded in this book.