By:Guan Jianwen
Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press
Publication Date:2015-06-01
Annual Report on China’s Mobile Internet Development(2015) is a collective effort by the researchers and experts from the Institute of People’s Daily Online,as well as other research branches of government,industry and academia. It is also a combination of general research,systematic analyses,and data-based studies on the status,features,and stresses of China’s mobile internet development in 2014.
The report is divided into five major sections:The General Report presents the emerging ecosystem of the mobile internet in China, and provides an in-depth interpretation and analysis of its features and impacts. The Overall Reports conduct special analysis and assess future prospect on issues concerning the mobile internet such as the innovation laws and future trends of mobile media,the new mobile internet society,the direction of the future intelligent internet,mobile technology innovation,the application of artificial intelligence in the mobile internet,mobile internet and information security. The Sector Reports combine introductions to and analyses of the mobile internet’s impact on industry models,mobile applications in enterprises,the online-to-offline’s temporal and spatial reconstruction of traditional industries,the development of wireless broadband networks and services,and the market trends for mobile devices in China. The Market Reports offer specific views and information on mobile capital market development and mobile use in social networks,marketing,reading,developer platform,health,video. The Special Reports focus on new patterns in the traditional media’s mobile communication,the development of mobile news applications,WeChat subscription accounts and mobile audio applications,mobile internet application users’ behaviors,construction of smart cities. There is also a case study on Huawei’s overseas mobile strategies and development.
The Appendix lists the memorable events of China’s mobile internet in 2014.