1. Looking at the Future of China's Population from the Sixth National Population Census and United Nations Population Projections
Cai Yong
2. Provincial Disparities in Changes in Fertility and Related Implications
Niu Jianlin
3. Intergenerational Effects on Fertility and Intended Family Size: Implications for Future Fertility Change in China
Zheng Zhenzhen
4. When Demographic Dividends Disappear: Growth Sustainability in China
Cai Fang and Zhao Wen
5. Accumulating Human Capital for China’s Sustainable Growth
Cai Fang and Wang Meiyan
6. Changes to the Employment Structure and Problems
Zhang Juwei
7. Labor Market Vulnerability in Urban China
Du Yang, Qu Yue, Cai Fang
8. Employment Elasticity and Its Implications for Employment Policy in the “12th Five-year Period”
Qu Xiaobo
9. Changes to the Industrial Structure and Regional Migration During the 12th Five-year Plan Period
Wu Yaowu
10. Wage Increase, Wage Convergence, and the Lewis Turning Point in China
Cai Fang and Du Yang
11. Intensified Reform of the Labor market and Abolishment of the Rural-Urban Divide
Zhang Zhanxin and Hou Huili
Cai Fang is Director of the Institute of Population and Labor Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and has frequently been a visiting scholar at major universities throughout the world. He was a delegate to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 11th National People’s Congress, and is a standing committee member of both the National People’s Congress and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.
This English-language volume is an edited collection of articles selected from the 2011 and 2012 Chinese-language volumes of the Green Book of Population and Labor. This volume starts with a chapter that explores the trajectory and future of China's demographic changes, as well as the role population projections should play in population policy through a comparison of data from the Sixth Population Census conducted in China and the United Nations population projection. Other topics discussed in this volume include changes in fertility and their implications to the labor market; demographic transition and its contribution to economic growth; employment structure and its problems; and reform of the labor market. This volume intends to draw lessons from the experiences and discuss trends of the labor market and social protection.
Chinese Research Perspectives on Population and Labor is a co-publication between Brill and Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
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