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Finance & Economy

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By:Li Yang, Wang Guogang

Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press


Publication Date:2010-05-01


Paper book:US $45.71
Ebook:US $45.71
Paper Book& Ebook:US $68.56
0239 1000

Table of contents:

About the author(s):


    The volume of Annual Report on China Financial Development 2010 is one category of a continuous series of publication, which is edited by Institute of Finance and Banking, CASS. This book is for the purpose of making a summary and analysis to China’s financial development and operation in all respects over the past year, and giving comments and discussion to those hot financial events have occurred.
Following the basic structure of previous Annual Report on China Financial Development, this report consists of three parts:
    The first part is “the analysis on operation of macroeconomic”. On the one hand, it outlines the situation of China’s operation of macroeconomic in 2009 from the angles of economic growth, investment, consumption and commodity price. On the other hand, it carries on an analysis to the relevant economic entities from the angles of residents, enterprises, government and overseas.
    The second part is “the analysis on financial operation”. As same as those in the previous years, this part systemically records the development situation of monetary policy, banking industry and insurance industry, analyzes the development trend of monetary market, stock market, bond market, bank financing products market, future market, international balance and payments and foreign exchange reserve, and explicates the development situation of financial Law and financial supervision, local government financing platform. Finally, it gernaerlly analyzes the new look took in international financial situation.
    The third part is “specialized analysis”. According to the new trend of China’s financial development, this part collects the analysis report in the area of commodity price, development of small-sized enterprises, development of investment fund, development of insurance industry, housing finance and financial supervision.
    Overall, this report provides comprehensive and valuable information for those who wish to better understand the full view of China’s economic operation and macroeconomic policy existing in the fluctuant environment.