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Finance & Economy

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Growth and Fluctuation: China's Macroeconomy Analysis and Forecast


By:Liu Xueyan

Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press


Publication Date:2020-11-16


Paper book:US $34
Ebook:US $
Paper Book& Ebook:US $
1768 1000

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At present, China's economic development is facing major changes unseen in a century. The international and domestic situations are complex and changeable. Scientific research and judgment of the long-term economic trends and short-term volatility is essential for the rational formulation of macroeconomic growth strategies and control policies. This book uses international large sample analysis, production functions and other methods to focus on the analysis of China’s economic trends during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. It uses quarterly analysis and monthly analysis to study the annual macroeconomic situation, accompanied by the analysis on the instant influence of transient events and policy adjustments, attempting to portray a panoramic picture of China's macroeconomic growth and fluctuations from multiple perspectives and dimensions in the long, medium and short-term.