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The Memory of Old Beijing


By:Zhang Shanpei

Publication Date:2010-08-23

The author of this book, Zhang Shanpei is a Beijing native. He is enthusing about the folk custom and culture of old Beijing. He had still been active and depicted his own experience of the ancient customs and practices he had witnessed in language which any normal human being can underst...

Paper book:US $120Ebook:US $120
Paper Book& Ebook :US $240
0263 1000

Strategies for the Large Developing Countries


By:Tu Qihao

Publication Date:2010-08-23

 Taking economic globalization as the analytical background, according to the theory of international development, on the analysis of big developing nations and their development strategies, this paper points out the particularity in the way of development  practic...

Paper book:US $280Ebook:US $280
Paper Book& Ebook :US $560
0262 1000

Formation of Middle Class in Comparative Perspective: Process, Influence and Socioeconomic Consequences


By:Li Chunling

Publication Date:2009-04-01

This book includes the latest research works of famous scholars at home and abroad. It made an in-depth discussion to the formation, development, features, social economic status, social political function and corresponding theory of middle class, with the stress on the conceptua...

Paper book:US $240Ebook:US $240
Paper Book& Ebook :US $480
0261 1000

A Study on the Family Plan Policy Based on Fertility Behavior


By:Fan Ming

Publication Date:2010-01-01

There are two preconditions when taking about the rationality of China’s One-child policy: China is facing with severe population pressure, and the One-child policy can effectively reduce the population growth. According to the author’s prediction, China’s...

Paper book:US $180Ebook:US $180
Paper Book& Ebook :US $360
0260 1000

The protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism(Third Roxbury Edition)


By:Max Weber

Publication Date:2010-08-16

This brilliant study opposes the Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and its view that change takes place through the conflict of opposites. Instead, Weber relates the rise of a capitalist economy to the Puritan determination to work out anxiety over salvation or damnation b...

Paper book:US $180Ebook:US $180
Paper Book& Ebook :US $360
0259 1000

The Lost World of British Communism


By:Raphael Samuel

Publication Date:2010-08-13

The Lost World of British Communism is a vivid account of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Raphael Samuel, one of post-war Britain's most notable historians, draws on novels of the period and childhood recollections of London's East End, as well as memoirs and Party archives, to e...

Paper book:US $140Ebook:US $140
Paper Book& Ebook :US $280
0258 1000