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Urban Poverty Reduction among Migrants : Problems and Policy Orientation in China(Chinese-English Billinguals)



Publication Date:2010-05-10

This book is the research result of the project “urban poverty reduction among migrants, and it took five years and edited by UNESCO and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. With the sociology research methods, the book begins with the analysis of urban poverty reduction among migr...

Paper book:US $320Ebook:US $320
Paper Book& Ebook :US $640
0203 1000

Social Conflicts and Class Consiciousness


By:Li Peilin, Zhang Yi,Zhao Yandong,Liang Dong

Publication Date:2005-05-01

The book is a final achievement of Chinese academy of social sciences, the major issue which is called “The study on the internal contradictions of current Chinese people”. The work takes three yeas to complete. With the Questionnaire designing and survey, data collection and analys...

Paper book:US $160Ebook:US $160
Paper Book& Ebook :US $320
0202 1000

Social Welfare and Social Construction


By:Mao Zhenhua

Publication Date:2010-04-01

The work is the achievement of China’s third Sociology Postdoctoral Forum. Encircled with the theme of “Social Welfare and Social Construction over 30 years of China’s Reform and Opening-up”, the author of the book aims to make a discussion to the Marxist classical writers’ thought o...

Paper book:US $180Ebook:US $180
Paper Book& Ebook :US $360
0201 1000

The Debate on China's Population Policy in the 21st Century


By:Gu Baochang, Li Jianxin

Publication Date:2010-05-10

The book combed the evaluation and discussion of China’s current fertility policy by scholars since 2000, especially for the last two yeas. It reflected and recorded the thoughts and standpoints of Chinese scholars on this big issue of population policy, and elaborated systematica...

Paper book:US $200Ebook:US $200
Paper Book& Ebook :US $400
0200 1000

Global Culture Industry: The Mediation of Things


By:Scott Lash, Celia Lury

Publication Date:2010-05-10

In the first half of the twentieth century, Theodor Adorno wrote about the 'culture industry'. For Adorno not just the products of factory labour, but culture itself were increasingly becoming commodities. Now, in what they call the 'global culture industry', Scott Lash and Celia Lu...

Paper book:US $160Ebook:US $160
Paper Book& Ebook :US $320
0199 1000

cultural studies Vol.9


By:Tao Dongfeng, Zhou Xian

Publication Date:2010-04-01

The book is jointly organized and completed by School of Literature in Capital Normal University and Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanjing University. The book consists of three topics: “Subculture” ,“Fan Culture” and “Fashion·Gender·Ethnic...

Paper book:US $200Ebook:US $200
Paper Book& Ebook :US $400
0198 1000