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Social Stratification in Contemporary China


By:Li Youmei,Sun Liping,Shen Yuan

Publication Date:2006-03-01

China has experienced tremendous institutional changes and structural transformation since 1980’s. Based on such a macro view, the series of transformation and development makes attempt to analyze each piece of macro-transition, and give attention to the connection between Chi...

Paper book:US $160Ebook:US $160
Paper Book& Ebook :US $320
0185 1000

Childhood Left Behind


By:Ye Jingzhong,Wu Huifang

Publication Date:2010-04-01

On the basis of the research task in China Agricultural University which is called “Rural Left-Behind Children”, the book vibrantly exhibited the actualities of Left-behind children’s life and the concern about the issue for the current society with illustrations and pictures. It...

Paper book:US $60Ebook:US $60
Paper Book& Ebook :US $120
0184 1000

The Chronicles of NGOs in China (1978-2008)


By:Wu Yuzhang

Publication Date:2010-04-01

The book selected 11 types of NGO, and comprehensively summarized the development course, status and problems of NGO, as well as combed the significant events of NGO’s development. The records of major conference of this field are attached at the end of this book. The book is informati...

Paper book:US $280Ebook:US $280
Paper Book& Ebook :US $560
0183 1000

Believing without Identifying : The Sociological Interpretation of Spiritual Beliefs in Contemporary China


By:Li Xiangping

Publication Date:2010-04-01

Do Chinese people have beliefs? What is the belief of Chinese people, how to get the faith identity and social practice of beliefs? This book began with sociological methods, and it discussed the big problems of Chinese people and society.  This book made an interpretation on soc...

Paper book:US $320Ebook:US $320
Paper Book& Ebook :US $640
0182 1000

Vulnerable Children of China: Issues and Solution Strategy


By:Lu Deping

Publication Date:2007-11-01

This book chose some typical cases of vulnerable children of China, such as school leavers, migrant children, the left-behind children in rural China and children with disabilities. By use of the survey data and research, the author carried on analysis and exploration to the status,...

Paper book:US $160Ebook:US $160
Paper Book& Ebook :US $320
0181 1000

Rural Civil Organizations and the Development in China's Rural Areas



Publication Date:2005-10-01

Rural development is the foundation and core of China’s development. NGO plays a unique irreplaceable role in the development of rural development. This book reviewed the history of civil organization in rural areas, and laid stress on the six categories of NGO: active social...

Paper book:US $100Ebook:US $100
Paper Book& Ebook :US $200
0180 1000